Why Skills360?

Your One Stop Skill Shop!

Why Skills360?

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Get Recommendations

Diagnostics Tool

Complete our quizzes and diagnostic tools to refine all the opportunities available so they are personal to YOU and meet YOUR needs.

  • Get Recommendations
  • Build Your Score

Get Rewarded

Skills360 Points

Taking action and gaining experience is key to developing yourself - at Skills360 we reward YOU with Skills360 points when you log YOUR activity with us.

You can earn Skills360 points by

  • Completing your full profile on the site or app
  • Completing the quizzes and diagnostics
  • Booking and attending training
  • Volunteering for a project or organisation
  • Taking on a paid role
CPD Points

Accumulate & Use

Spend Your Skills360 Points

Accumulating Skills360 points can earn you discount vouchers that can be redeemed (used) against the purchase of eLearning programmes, training courses, webinars etc. You can also donate your Skills360 points to community projects that you would like to support.

Collaborate & Share

The Community

Join our online community, you can get support and learn from others plus share your own skills, experience and expertise to help people in their development.

Skills 360 Dashboard

Get Involved

Manage Bookings

Skills360 enables you to sign up to and book directly with a range of providers and track all of your opportunities from one place.

Paid Work Opportunities
Skills360 Radar Diagrams

Track Your Progress


As you develop your skills and experience over time you can track your progress with Skills360+ which will create your own personal 'Skills360 Radar'. You can allow others (if you choose) to view your radar in order to support your next steps.

Register Today

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